14 Proven Member Retention Strategies

Member retention is critical for associations. Attracting new members is costly and difficult to justify if you can’t keep them. A stable membership base leads to healthier cash flow, stronger relationships, and overall growth. Here are 14 time-tested strategies to help you take a more proactive approach to retaining members:

1. Regularly Solicit and Act on Member Feedback

If you’re having issues with retention, your members can probably point out why. Don’t ignore the valuable resource that is their direct feedback. If they feel their voice is ignored, they are more likely to leave. Set specific dates when you’ll send out a survey to ask about what they like, what they don’t like, and what they would like to see improved in the association. Also, be sure to place a brief exit survey on the membership termination page to find out more about why they are leaving.

Such surveys can be used to generate a steady flow of ideas on how to improve the member experience and association at large. You can create a figurative “warehouse” of ideas and intel you’ve collected based on member feedback, then work them into an action plan over time. 

A mobile app, which we’ll discuss more later on, is an excellent place to send out member surveys, with far superior completion rates than email surveys. 

2. Implement a Multi-Channel Communication Strategy

Consistent, relevant communication keeps your association top-of-mind. But don’t rely on one form of communication with members. 

Leverage multiple channels, such as:

  • Email
  • Push notifications
  • SMS
  • Social media
  • Mobile app feed system

That said, don’t spam them with endless updates. Judiciously choose when, why and where you’ll communicate with members. Don’t forget to measure which methods resonate best with different member segments and adjust your strategy accordingly. 

3. Keep Content Up To Date and Relevant

Create a content hub or resource library with dynamic, engaging articles, reports, white papers, and how-to guides tailored to your members’ interests and needs. Well-written, well-researched content is an excellent value-add for your members. After all, this is part of what they expect from their membership. 

If you have the ability, designate a writer or content team to produce resources on topics that your member base would find interesting. Make sure your content is accessible on your association mobile app as well!

However, don’t make the mistake of creating too much one-size-fits-all content. Consider the different audience segments (personas) that exist in your member base, then create targeted content for different interest groups and audience profiles.

member retention

4. Launch a Mobile App for Your Members

One of the best ways to combat low member retention is to create a custom association mobile app for your members. This way, your association has a stable presence in the member’s pocket – on their mobile phone. Your members are busy and countless other companies are competing for a share of their attention. For that reason, the value of mobile technology in communicating with your members can’t be overstated.

Benefits of an association mobile app for member retention include:

  • Pushing information directly to members, without worrying about if it was received, put into a spam folder or lost amongst hundreds or thousands of emails
  • In-app member groups/committees to nurture relationships and networking
  • Showcasing exclusive deals and discounts for members
  • Having your entire conference/event centralized in a digital space, thereby enhancing in-person experience for members, sponsors, and exhibitors.
  • Relevant auto-generated content that pushes directly to members
  • Manage membership renewals with automatic notifications, saving you money and time
  • Feeds that allow members to keep tabs on important education and compliance info
  • Go digital, save money and deliver an in-app Membership Card

MobileUp, an expert in delivering custom mobile apps for associations, is an excellent option for adding a budget-friendly mobile app to your member retention strategies.

5. Reward Those Who Stay

Don’t make the mistake of front-loading incentives and perks for new members, while neglecting the long-term experience of veteran members. 

Consider creating a roadmap or timeline of your member’s experience, with recognition and gifts given at various points in their journey.

Award milestones, such as the 6-month, 1-year and 2-year mark. The type of award, recognition or discount will depend on the nature of your association. In short, think about the long-haul experience and continue to entertain and surprise them long after they’ve first joined. Recognition of long-term members goes a long way in building loyalty.

6. Personalize the Member Experience

Show members you understand their individual needs and interests. Create personalized experiences that demonstrate value and foster loyalty. Use data-driven insights to tailor communications, content, and offerings to different member segments.

7. Highlight and Expand Member Benefits

Continuously promote and expand the value your association offers. Don’t let your membership benefits stagnate with no updates for long periods of time. 

If you don’t already, be sure to offer:

  • Exclusive discounts on services
  • Members-only content
  • Networking opportunities
  • Professional development resources

8. Foster Member Interaction and Networking

Enable members to connect with each other in real-time. They each have their own story, but share common interests with one another. Therefore, providing a platform where members can communicate and engage with one another is incredibly valuable.

You can facilitate networking opportunities through:

  • Member interest groups
  • In-app messaging for one-to-one or group conversations
  • Virtual and in-person events
  • Online forums or discussion boards
  • Offer members the option to be a write blogs for their peers that the association publishes

9. Streamline the Renewal Process

Reduce friction in the renewal process. Implement mobile-friendly renewal options with automatic notifications. Consider offering incentives for early renewals or multi-year commitments.

10. Offer Valuable Training and Education

Provide learning opportunities that enhance members’ professional development:

  • In-person and virtual programming
  • Easy access to certification credits
  • Curated courses and resources
  • Webinars and online workshops

11. Increase Event Satisfaction with an Event App

member retention for associations

A dedicated event app or a year-round member app can greatly enhance the quality of your events, and in turn, member satisfaction and retention. 

An event app helps you:

  • Streamline the check-in process and simplify attendance tracking 
  • Put the event and speaker schedule in the palm of members’ hands, ensuring they’re alerted of all schedule and room changes
  • Generate more sponsorship revenue and increase exposure for sponsors through in-app sponsorships
  • Distribute event content and add last minute updates without additional printing costs
  • Connect members through in-app messaging and networking
  • Collect valuable feedback through post-event surveys

12. Recognize and Highlight Member Achievements 

Sharing news about your members often ranks among the most-read content. Consider the “alumni notes” section of your alma mater’s communications—it’s often one of the first things alumni look for when engaging with their organization. You can achieve similar engagement by proactively seeking information about your members and creating a dedicated recognition space on your platforms. This not only highlights their achievements, but also fosters a sense of community and connection among your audience.

13.  Start Retention Efforts at Sign-Up

Remember that retention efforts should start the moment someone becomes a member. Implement a strong onboarding process that immediately demonstrates the value of membership and guides new members to relevant resources and opportunities.

14. Tempt Them Away from Canceling

From the moment a member arrives at the cancelation page, you should have a strategy in place for winning them back. Not feeling like they’re getting enough value for the price is one of the biggest reasons why members defect. To combat that, consider offering a temporary discount on dues when they’re on the cancellation page. What you lose in momentary revenue, you could gain in lifetime value of the member. The New York Times has offered heavily discounted subscriptions to those on the brink of canceling. A streaming service, Gaia, takes a different approach. They stress that the rates will go up if the user cancels and then restart their subscription. The prospect of paying more down the line sometimes makes would-be cancellers reconsider.

Let MobileUp Help You Retain Your Members

Retention begins the moment someone becomes a member. The key to retaining them lies in thoughtful engagement. That’s why a mobile app will become an indispensable part of your retention programming. Mobile technology is a cost-effective, accessible addition to your association’s member retention strategies. Having served over 500 clients and over 10 million members, MobileUp can help you drastically increase your member engagement rates. 

Contact the MobileUp team now to discuss your future association mobile app, define your goals, and create a customized solution to strengthen your member retention strategy.