MobileUp Partner Program

Let us do the heavy lifting for you!
Our partner program allows you to meet the mobile engagement requirements of your clients while adding an additional revenue stream to your bottom line. 

Developing a partner program that delivers value to both organizations is essential for a successful long-term partnership.  If you have interest in white labeling or reselling our event appmember app or Connect Platform, lets have a conversation so we can share in the various opportunities.

Software Developers

Increase your value proposition to your client base.


Add mobile to your offering to benefit your managed clients.

Event Planners

Compliment your current product and services.

Digital Agencies

Why build when you can configure and deploy.
Partner Benefits

The following partner benefits can help drive business success, achieve strategic objectives, and stay competitive in the dynamic and evolving technology landscape.

• Extended market reach
• Accelerated growth
• Access to specialized expertise
• Cost-effective expansion
• Enhanced customer value
• Innovation and differentiation 
• Scalability and flexibility

Let's start today

Software Developers

If you are looking for a mobile platform that can integrate and compliment your current solution to meet the needs of your client base, talk to us.  We provide both a ‘white label’ solution or a reseller option.  Contact us at to have a conversation.


As an AMC, you are a trusted and integral part of building a brand and driving membership value.  In order to accomplish this, you need staff and the proper technology to enable staff to get the job done.   Having the right technology partners and proper pieces to fit into your associations programming is critical to success.
  • Event App & Year Round Member App
  • Data Integration with AMS & Registration systems
  • Advocacy & Special Interest Groups
  • Check-In & Credentialing for Continuing Education
  • Member Networking & Collaboration with In-App Messaging
  • Data Collection and Analytics
  • Brand Visibility and Recognition
If you are looking to enhance and compliment your current offerings to better serve your client needs and wish to see how mobile technology can play a part in this process, contact us to set up some time for a conversation.

Event Planners

As an Event Planner, you work with many different organizations that have the same interests and needs for their big events.  Partnering with an experienced Event technology company can provide both you and your clients tremendous benefits.  A few of these are:
  • Provides a single point of contact for your client from event logistics to technology implementation.
  • Enables staff to become knowledgeable on all the pieces of delivering a successful client event.
  • Provides opportunity to scale the business while adding additional services to your clients.
To talk to someone about our Event Planner partner program contact us to set up a discussion at your convenience. 

Digital Agency's

While build when you can license to ‘white label’ or resell a proven solution to your client base?
Chances are you work with a variety of clients that span many different industries.  However, you work with all of them on strategy and programming to ensure they are delivering the best solutions to their target market.  As a part of your work, you utilize various pieces of technology to meet your clients goals.  As a part of this process, you have to ensure a valuable and yet cost effective solution(s) to your clients.
 As a techology provider, our mobile platform can assist you in delivering a mobile solution for your clients.  Building it yourself most likely will not align with objectives mentioned above.  So, maybe spend a few minutes, contact us and learn more about our Agency program.