How Dakota Credit Union Association Streamlined Event Communication with MobileUp

About Dakota Credit Union Association (DakCU): DakCU represents credit unions across North Dakota and South Dakota, with a mission to help credit unions succeed. The association supports both federal and state chartered credit unions in growing their membership and advocating for credit union interests. They have been a MobileUp client for over two years.

We Spoke To: Lindsey Hefta, Director of Marketing and Communications at DakCU. She is primarily responsible for the association’s internal and external marketing communication strategies. Her role encompasses membership marketing and managing all communication functions, including the association’s website and social presence.

The Challenge: Before MobileUp

The Pre-MobileUp Scenario: Before adopting MobileUp, DakCU faced significant challenges in managing events and member communications. The association heavily relied on paper materials for events, which were extremely cumbersome for a number of reasons.

Pain Points Identified:

  • Resource Intensive: Preparing and managing paper materials required substantial effort from the administrative team, particularly for events.
  • Inflexibility: Last-minute changes to event details were difficult to manage with printed materials.
  • Member Dissatisfaction: Despite efforts to modernize with TV monitors, members preferred having something “in their hand” they could refer to.

The Solution: A MobileUp App

Choosing MobileUp: DakCU acknowledged that having their own branded mobile app would solve these pain points. They evaluated a handful of companies before selecting MobileUp. Their decision was influenced by the positive experience of a fellow credit association in Minnesota, who was already a MobileUp client. They also cited MobileUp’s seamless integration with their existing backend systems. 

Onboarding Experience: Hefta found the MobileUp team “great to work with. Any and all questions were answered quickly, and still are,” she said. Like most, Hefta had no prior experience in launching an app, which made her understandably nervous. These apprehensions were swiftly quelled, as the MobileUp team guided her through the entire process, from managing an Apple developer account to tackling all necessary forms. The team’s responsiveness and support made her onboarding pleasant and seamless. 

The Impact of Having a MobileUp App

Hefta states that there is an unquantifiable benefit to “being at your members’ literal fingertips.”

Saved Money and Time: DakCU has saved time and money they once threw at paper materials for events. There was a significant reduction in the administrative workload related to event management and communication, with employees no longer spending hours managing and editing those paper materials. 

Positive Reception from Members: Hefta admits being wowed by how well their membership has taken to the app. Even with an association that skews toward many older individual members, she found them extremely receptive and fond of it, with no one having to force their hand to encourage app use. Their member base is also vocal about how useful they find features like push notifications.

A Team Who Listens: If and when Hefta has ideas for new features within the app, she shares them with her Account Manager, who hears her out and often places them on the MobileUp discussion board for future features. MobileUp maintains a dynamic product that is always iterating to meet client needs.

Key Features Utilized:

  • Push Notifications: This feature proved essential for event and speaker reminders, as well as general announcements. DakCU exerts full control over the frequency and content of notifications.
  • Marketing Community: The app has a group functionality, enabling DakCU to build and grow a marketing community within their audience.
  • Member Communication: The app links to the association’s electronic newsletter, ensuring consistent and timely communication with members.

DakCU’s Message to Associations Considering a MobileUp App

Why not? What do you have to lose? MobileUp is so easy and quick to implement. You’re not wasting a ton of manpower and time by simply giving it a try. Plus, everything is mobile-first these days, so why not have an open door with your members, and meet them on their devices? You don’t want to fall behind your competition or behind trends. Your members are on their phones. Be where they are.” 

DakCU’s experience with MobileUp showcases how a strategic approach to technology can reduce operational challenges and enhance member engagement. The association’s successful transition from paper-based to digital event communication highlights the importance of adaptability and innovation in today’s fast-paced environment. Through MobileUp, Dakota Credit not only improved its event management and communication efficiency but also strengthened its relationship with members, proving that embracing technology can lead to significant organizational benefits.