How GCAA Crushed Member Communication Challenges with MobileUp

About Greater Charlotte Apartment Association: Founded in 1977, GCAA represents the multifamily rental housing industry in the Charlotte, NC region. Members include firms and individuals who develop, own, manage, and provide goods and services to the apartment industry.

We Spoke To: Kelly DeMario, Marketing & Communications Manager, who oversees the content, look, and voice of their app, website, events, podcast, weekly digital communication, and social media platforms

The Challenge: Before MobileUp

Before adopting the MobileUp app, GCAA faced significant challenges staying in touch with members:

  • Outdated Contact Information: Members rarely updated their work emails, making communication difficult. Weekly e-blasts sent to over 4,000 people often resulted in more than 1,000 immediate bounces (notifications that emails couldn’t be delivered).
  • Impact on Revenue: The inability to effectively reach their audience hindered registration for programs, events and educational opportunities. Event and program revenue were crucial to the association’s budget adherence and success.
  • Supplier and Member Disconnection: Poor communication impacted their suppliers’ ability to connect with the GCAA audience. On the multifamily side, this caused GCAA members to miss out on education and credentialing opportunities.

The Solution: A MobileUp App

Choosing MobileUp: GCAA chose MobileUp on the strong recommendation of another multifamily association. While they considered other app companies, MobileUp offered them the control they desired without extensive coding or IT knowledge. The onboarding process “was a pleasure,” with the MobileUp team providing responsive and accommodating support, meeting them at their level of app knowledge. “They hold your hand as much or as little as you need. They are wildly responsive and accommodating,” GCAA said. 

App Setup and Usability: Setting up the app was easier than expected. On occasions when the GCAA team felt stuck, the MobileUp team “quickly intervened” to assist. Though they’re still in the app’s infancy, adding new resources and making changes have been seamless and straightforward.

Integration with Novi AMS: “Discovering an app was one thing; finding one that holds hands with and speaks the same language as our CRM/Novi AMS has not only given us time back but amplified our efforts,” they explained.

Support and Team Interaction: GCAA described the MobileUp team as friendly, approachable, and accessible. “I’m continually impressed that I’ve had the same faces each time I connect. It makes it easier to ask questions and describe what we’re working to accomplish since they’ve been with our [account] since day one,” they said. 

The Impact of Having a MobileUp App

The app has had a powerfully positive impact on GCAA:

  • Visually Impressive: The visual appeal of the app immediately impressed GCAA members. “It’s an immediate WOW for members,” they said. 
  • Boosts Connection: The app provides an additional layer of connection and communication, helping the association reach members without hitting spam filters and firewalls. “In this content-rich climate, you can’t have enough of that.”
  • Non-Dues Revenue Opportunities: GCAA believes that the non-dues revenue opportunities created via the app have been fruitful.
  • Positive Perception: Simply having an app reinforces their commitment to innovation and forward-thinking, lifting their reputation with members.

GCAA’s Message to Other Associations Considering a MobileUp App: 

“Simply having an app says a lot about the character of your association. Plus, MobileUp is user-friendly and intuitive, and it didn’t break the bank. Not only was it budget-friendly, but it’s proved to be budget building! We’re only getting started, but are excited about the ways we’ll be able to elevate conversation, events, and connection.”