Organizations invest in digital mediums for different reasons.
Many are looking to save costs on producing physical goods. Some want to bring efficiency to its operations. Others are just hoping to provide better service to its end users and customers.
As for the College of Charleston, all these factors played a role this spring when the school converted its traditions program from a printed book to an app from MobileUp Software.
Making Traditions Digital
Traditions programs at colleges and universities strive to educate students on the history of their schools to build lifelong affinities and loyalties.
The College of Charleston app does its part by listing and describing 25 popular activities that take place at various locations across campus.
The app then challenges students to visit at least 20 of these places and document their visit with a photo before they graduate.
Those that meet the goal are eligible to order a Traditions Keeper Medal to wear at graduation.

The app tracks each student’s completions as they move through the traditions list. It also includes a campus-wide leaderboard and a photo highlight reel so students can compare their progress to classmates and share experiences at each stop.

In addition to traditions, the app provides native access to information (no need to load a mobile website) that students need everyday.

In with the new…
Hurlock and her team evaluated many factors before deciding to go with the app instead of the printed traditions book. “With the app, we didn’t have to store or take inventory of the physical books,” Hurlock said. “We thought it would be something the students would actually use where the book might end up floating around in someone’s book bag with their textbooks. The app is also a more environmentally friendly option.” The app took the place of the book on the traditions page of the school’s website as well. Check out this page that explains the traditions program and where students can download the app:
Need a closer look? Visit this page at
Off to a Fast Start
Launched about two months before commencement ceremonies in early April 2018, the app received a warm welcome at the seaside campus.
Approximately 300 students downloaded the app and completed more than 1,100 traditions activities during the course of 2,100 sessions in about two months’ time.

With the app launch behind them, administrators at the College of Charleston are excited to see the participation levels when students return in the fall.
“The College of Charleston has a rich history to offer its students and alumni,” Hurlock said. “Our students use their smartphones on a daily basis for many things. It has been a seamless and effective transition to move our Traditions Keeper program from a printed book to the app-based format.”