We now support a data integration that enables our custom native apps to access and display information from the WebLink association management system. Here is more information about how it works:

The MobileUp Mobile Delivery Platform accesses data from a WebLink database via an API-level connection.

The MobileUp-WebLink integration provides users with efficient views of their member data while on a mobile device that complements the user experience on wider desktop screens.
The MobileUp platform accesses WebLink data on an organizational and individual level, enabling users to search for information in a variety of ways as explained here:

Locating A Provider
Provider directories can be searched based on a provider’s name, location, or type of service provided. Listings include logos, contact information, websites, and maps based on a member’s geolocation data record in WebLink.
Push notifications remind individual members about their organization’s pending expiration date 30, 60, and 90 days ahead of time.
ID Cards & Discounts
Digital member ID cards include a member’s contact information and membership data.
Digital coupon and ticket icons can be displayed on the member ID card and redeemed at a meeting or conference for drinks, meals, or other items.
Wait There’s More!
These are just some of the features.
A MobileUp-WebLink integrated app also provides discussion boards, calendars, and event communications as part of a 365-day engagement solution.
Get more information
Contact us at sales@mobileupsoftware.com or through our demo request form for more information.